Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Keep Running

School starts again today, and I only have 25 minutes to write, so this is going to be quick. Please excuse any grammatical errors or poorly written sentences :).

I've been reading in Galations for a couple of days now, and while I've had several insights through reading, I figured this one was maybe one of the more important ones to discuss, especially as I'm starting this new semester. The verse is simple but powerful:

"You were running well. Who hindered you from obeying the truth?" - Gal. 5:7 (ESV Study Bible)

Of course, in this context, Paul is speaking to the Galations who began believing they needed to follow the old Mosaic law in order to be justified, instead of relying upon faith in Christ. However, in my particular situation as a college student, it has another meaning: What am I allowing in my life to hinder me from completely pursuing holiness?

It's a difficult thought to process, because you realize how much you might be partaking in something that isn't good for you, but you've gotten used to it and even like it, and would hate to give it up. As I'm preparing for my mission trip this summer (Yes, good news: I was accepted and I am FOR SURE going :) I can already sense God is going to be doing some heavy-duty preparation in my heart, which probably means there will be some overhaul in my life--stuff I might not like. But if it means I can be used for a greater purpose, then why would I run after the small excitement that partaking in sin offers? Can it truly compare with what God offers to people who seek righteousness first?

The trickiest part will be making sure I don't fall into my old trap: legalism. I have a propensity toward over-analyzing things (surprise, right?), and in an honest desire to do what is good and pleasing to God, I begin to analyze my heart and look for "sin" that I can remove, instead of waiting on Him to seek it out for me and convict me of it. I'm not the Holy Spirit; I can't find and correct things in my heart. I have to wait on His conviction, and then I can be sure I'm not falling into the old trap of legalism.

Here's hoping I will keep running this semester, and won't be hindered by either old sins or legalism.

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