Saturday, December 19, 2009

Starbucks Makes Me See Red, and Jesus Gives an Insight

Something you might find interesting about me: I don't drink coffee.

So it was interesting when the largest purveyor of coffee-products in the galaxy actually served something that caught my attention, and even threw in a spiritual experience, to boot.

That last paragraph made me sound like I tried Starbucks-brand peyote, or something....

But I digress. Starbucks teamed up with RED's efforts to end HIV/AIDS in Africa, and to raise awareness of the HIV/AIDS crisis, they coordinated people from all 156 countries to sing The Beatles' "All You Need Is Love" at the exact same time, and recorded the event. (See it here:

As I watched so many people singing the same song, but with different instruments, accents, settings, and dress, I was struck by this sense of love and pride. How amazing that we're all so similar, but so wonderfully different!

Then I realized it wasn't just my feelings I was experiencing--it felt like God was placing my hand on His chest, and letting me feel His heartbeat for the world. It was His sense of pride and adoration I was feeling, not just my own. It was like He was saying, "You're getting to see what I see every time I look down onto this marvelous creation. I love these people, and I want to be reconnected with them."

The feelings of pride and adoration were then replaced with this heartsick feeling--the kind you feel when you're away from someone whom you love, and craving to be back with them. It was sweet to feel His genuine love for His motley, fallen creation, even though we're so far from what He originally designed us to be.

After watching this video, I'm reminded of Acts 1:8, which says:
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." (ESV Study Bible)
All this world needs is His love, and He's ready to give it. Are you (and I) ready to go?

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